
Battle for Homeland Mad Animals, Zombie combat with a twist

Battle for Homeland Mad Animals

Battle for Homeland Mad Animals is a tower defense game for Windows Phone eight that pits you confronting a hungry pack of zombies. Sounds similar your typical Zombie genre game, right? The twist with Battle for Homeland Mad Animals is that you aren't battling humans who have been turned into zombies, instead you lot face a wide multifariousness of animals who are now the walking dead.

Yep. Yous are battling zombie cows, elephants, giraffes, bats, sheep, zebras and other animals. You fifty-fifty have zombie Unicorns coming later on your encephalon. The animals are attacking various villages and you are order's last line of defense. Armed with a broad variety of weapons, you fend off the Zombie invasion wave after wave.

Battle for Homeland Mad Animals has decent graphics, challenging game play and is a rather entertaining tower defense force game for Windows Telephone 8.

Game Setup

The main page for Boxing for Homeland Mad Animals is laid out simple and straightforward. You have button controls in the upper right corner to view your gaming achievements, access settings (sound/music on or off) and visit the game's store for in-app purchases.

Battle for Homeland Mad Animals
Boxing for Homeland Mad Animals Main Bill of fare

To jump into game play, just tap the "Commencement" button at the lesser of the primary page. Battle for Homeland Mad Animals has twenty-four villages that contain multiple levels of play, to defend that are progressively unlocked. Each level is re-playable and has iii difficulty levels to choose from (normal, nightmare and hell).

Battle for Homeland Mad Animals
Battle for Homeland Mad Animals Weapons Depot

Prior to the start of each level you volition visit the Battle for Homeland Mad Animals' Store where you can cull which of the weapons in your arsenal yous will apply for that level and purchase/upgrade your flop supply. There are over fifteen different main weapons that become bachelor for purchase as y'all progress through game.

Game Play

The game screen for Battle for Homeland Mad Animals has your health meter in the upper left corner, your zombie wave meter in the top center and your gilded count in the top correct corner.

Battle for Homeland Mad Animals
Battle for Homeland Mad Animals Gaming Screen

At the bottom center of the screen is your principal weapon and to the right of the turret are you bombing choice. On either side of your master weapon are directional arrows that volition let you bandy out weapons during game play. Finally, in the lower left corner of the screen you volition find yous score.

The game screen is a serial of paths and streets that the zombie animals will follow to become to your stronghold. To fire your main weapon, just tap/hold on the screen. Where you tap is the management the weapon volition burn down. To strafe your enemy, simply drag your finger across the area that you wish to annihilate.

Battle for Homeland Mad Animals
Boxing for Homeland Mad Animals Bomb Purchase Menu

As the zombie incursion grows yous can use your bombs to assist keep stride with the animals. Tap a flop icon and a targeting symbol will appear that you drag to the office of the screen y'all wish to flop. Your bombing choices include:

  • Fire Flop that volition rain down a shower of fireballs on to the zombies
  • Freeze Flop that will freeze the zombies, making them sitting ducks for your main weapon
  • Nuclear Bomb that volition wipe out everything on the screen

Zombies assault in waves and volition travel at dissimilar speeds. Some animals will require multiple hits earlier they go down likewise. If the zombie animals reach your fortifications they will work towards destroying things. If they breach your fortifications, game over.

Battle for Homeland Mad Animals
Battle for Homeland Mad Animals

In improver to the unlike speeds these animals travel, some will carry bombs that will inflict more than impairment to your stronghold. On the plus side, if you shoot the zombies carrying the bombs, they take out other zombies that are in the expanse when their bombs explode prematurely.

In one case you have destroyed all the zombie animals for a detail level, you will transition to a scoring summary, which will non how many aureate coins you accept earned. Coins that in turn tin be used in the gaming store to unlock additional weapons and buy more bombs.

Overall Impression

Boxing for Homeland Mad Animals is an entertaining tower defense game for Windows Phone 8. Graphics are squeamish, game play challenging and dealing with zombie animals offers a unique zombie hunting experience.

Battle for Homeland Mad Animals
Battle for Homeland Mad Animals Nuclear Option

I liked the variety of environments you defend and the variety of animals keeps things interesting. There are situations where you can see the animals approaching but won't get a clear shot at them immediately. Some animals movement faster or crave multiple hits before they are eliminated. All these factors require you to manage your defenses, giving Boxing for Homeland Mad Animals a bit of a strategy feel to it.

Battle for Homeland Mad Animals is a free game that is available for Windows Phone 8. You tin can find your re-create of Battle for Homeland Mad Animals here in the Windows Phone Store.

QR: Battle for Homeland Mad Animals


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