
How to insert Radio button in Word document

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A Radio button or Options button is a graphical command element in Microsoft Word that allows users to select a response from preformatted options. The radio buttons are ofttimes used in forms or surveys to capture customer or audience feedback.

How to insert Radio push button in Discussion document

Follow the steps beneath to insert a clickable Radio button in Microsoft Word:

  1. Launch Give-and-take.
  2. Click the Programmer tab.
  3. Click the Legacy button in the Controls group, then select the Radio push button or Options push button from the card.
  4. The radio button is inserted into the document.
  5. To edit the Radio push button, right-click the Radio button and select OptionButton Object, then click Edit from the context bill of fare.
  6. Now the Radio or options button is editable, type the text you desire.
  7. Follow the step to a higher place to insert more than radio buttons.
  8. Click the Design button to exit the Design Mode.
  9. Now, the buttons are clickable.

Launch Discussion.

Click the Developer tab.

How to insert Radio button in Word document

Click the Legacy button in the Controls group, and so select the Radio button or Options button from the carte.

The radio button is inserted into the document.

To edit the Radio push button, correct-click the Radio button and select OptionButton Object, then click Edit from the context bill of fare.

Now the Radio or options button is editable, blazon the text yous want.

Follow the step in a higher place to insert more radio buttons.

Click the Blueprint Style button to exit the Design Mode.

Now, the buttons are clickable.

How do I grouping Radio buttons in Word?

In Microsoft Word, you tin group your Radio buttons; Follow the steps below to grouping the Radio buttons.

  1. In the Pattern Mode, right-click the Radio push and select Option Backdrop from the context menu.
  2. The Properties sail volition appear.
  3. On the Properties sail under the tab Alphabetic, look for the row with the heading GroupName.
  4. Click the neighboring cell and enter a group name.
  5. Continue the group name for the rest of the radio buttons, which you lot desire to continue every bit one group.
  6. Close the Properties window.

What can I use instead of a Radio push?

If you do not want to use Radio buttons on your surveys or forms, yous tin can use alternatives such as checkboxes and driblet-down boxes, which function the aforementioned.

We promise this tutorial helps you understand how to use the insert Radio push in a Microsoft Give-and-take document; if you take questions about the tutorial, let us know in the comments.

Shantel is a university pupil studying for Bachelor of Science in It. Her goal is to go a Database Administrator or a System Administrator. She enjoys reading and watching historical documentaries and dramas.


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