
Namespace is already defined error when opening Group Policy Editor

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While opening the Local Group Policy Editor on my Windows computer, I received the post-obit error message:

Namespace 'Microsoft.Policies.Sensors.WindowsLocationProvider' is already defined equally the target namespace for another file in the store.

Clicking on OK made the box go away and I could continue to work on my Grouping Policy Editor.

The question is – what is this mistake and why does this happen?

Namespace is already defined

Namespace is already defined

This happens considering the LocationProviderADM.admx file has been renamed to Microsoft-Windows-Geolocation-WLPAdm.admx in Windows 10.

So it is quite possible that you are facing this fault on some systems after you upgraded to Windows xi/ten.

Microsoft explains that this error is for data purposes only, and clicking on OK and moving frontwards will make the GPEDIT function usually.

Nevertheless, if you wish to remove the cause of this happening, then KB3077013 suggests that you lot delete the LocationProviderADM.admx and LocationProviderADM.adml files, and change the names of Microsoft-Windows-Geolocation-WLPAdm.admx and Microsoft-Windows-Geolocation-WLPAdm.adml files to the correct names.

To practice this, create a organisation restore point kickoff. Adjacent, open an elevated command prompt window and run the following command:

takeown /F " C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\Microsoft-Windows-Geolocation-WLPAdm.admx" /A

Followed by-

takeown /F " C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\en-The states\Microsoft-Windows-Geolocation-WLPAdm.adml" /A

gpedit error

Next, grant administrators Total Command permissions to both files. To practise this, open C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions and correct-click on the Microsoft-Windows-Geolocation-WLPAdm.admx file and select Properties.

Under the Security tab, click the Edit push button. Next in the new setting box, select Full Control as shown below. Click Employ, OK, and go out.

Namespace is already defined group policy

Practice the same for theC:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\en-Usa\Microsoft-Windows-Geolocation-WLPAdm.adml file also.

Finally, rename both the files with an extension of .old.

Restart your computer and encounter.

The error letters will go away.

Namespace is already defined

Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-yr Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the entire post & the comments get-go, create a System Restore Point before making any changes to your organization & exist careful almost any third-political party offers while installing freeware.


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